Fontaine, who fights day and night with Diaville's assassin monsters, is confronted by the strongest eye-catching monster, Desuain. - The giant eyeball also blocks Fontaine's special move, and Fontaine is cornered to the point where the whites of her eyes are exposed. - Still, an eyeball bomb is thrown at Fontaine, who fights to protect the peace and safety of the city. - Fontaine desperately tried to defend herself, but her skirt was lifted and a bomb was placed inside her panties! - ``No, it's going to explode inside.'' Fontaine resists, feeling fear, but it explodes inside Fontaine's panties... Although he doesn't die, he opens his eyes from shock and faints, and Fontaine and Fontaine... - was incontinent. - Finally, Diaville sexually assaults Fontaine and makes her feel orgasmic hell over and over again until she faints and urinates as proof of her defeat. - [BAD END]